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Precautions For Carers and Families Amid COVID 19

Amid the present crisis of COVID 19 that has overbrimmed the whole world with anxiety, fear and stress, we just have precautionary actions to follow in the absence of a vaccine & confirmed protocol. Fear and Panic pops up when any of our family members show symptoms of coronavirus as it is a life-snatching and an easy transferable disease that showcases symptoms after 15 days i.e. not too early to cure. So, in such a situation, we are just left out to take precautions to safeguard ourselves.

Preventive measures like frequent hand washing, covering mouth during coughing, maintaining social distance, wearing a face mask and self-isolating when suspected infectious are common for people of all the categories. However, when we turn our attention to precautions that caretakers and families must take while dealing with each other, the preventive measures need some additions.

Families must ensure the sanitisation of the caregiver before allowing them to enter the home and caretakers must also wear the necessary precautionary pieces of stuff like gloves, masks, etc before entering in. Caregivers should frequently wash their hands & sanitise them with alcohol-based hand rub after every contact with the family member as well as before & after preparing food. After thoroughly washing the hands with soap and water, the caretaker must dry the hands with paper towels and dispose them of properly. The family member, as well as the caregiver both, should wear medical masks to avert the transfer of droplets and contamination.

The caretaker must confirm that every family member is using separate utensils, dishes and towels and these items are properly washed with high-quality detergent and water. Besides, the caregivers must ensure the disinfection and sterilization of surfaces and objects, before the person for whom she/he has been appointed touches it. Also, it must be ensured that bedsheets, clothes and towels are washed out with detergent at the hottest temperature and gloves must be used while handling laundry.
Caregivers must also keep an alert eye on the symptoms as the virus may silently affect the person with only mild symptoms or can also cause pneumonia in case of severe illness. If a caregiver discovers the person facing difficulty in breathing, he/she must immediately contact a medical professional for help. And in case, the caretaker finds symptoms within, he/she must take leave and stay quarantined at home.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, the job of the caregiver may become more complex with the additional pressure of protection from the COVID-19 virus. Look out for the professional caretakers who can easily and skillfully deal with added pressures in challenging times on mud (MadeUrDay) platform that connects you to authenticated agencies of skilled caretakers.

Families must also take care of these caregivers by taking care of themselves- by restricting their contact with them and reaching out for help. Family members and caregivers must together form strategies to avoid contact with germs, inside as well as outside the home. Extra cleaning to maintain a hygienic and safe environment is not a too difficult precautionary action to take. Together they can!


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