After a period of almost six weeks of country-wide lockdown to curb the dispersion of COVID-19, several regions of the country are now all set for a few limited relaxations in the lockdown preventative actions to get back to the normal course of actions & to retrieve the economic strength with appropriately barred maneuverability.
To get to a pre-COVID lifestyle is a far-flung process, however, some activities like calling the utility service persons and domestic helpers have been retrieved in a few parts of the country.
With the increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases throughout the country alongside the continuous rise in the spread of the infection, it is still an unanswerable question for domestic helpers that is it safe to get back to work? Or they should wait a bit longer for their own sake and for the well-being of their employer & family.
According to RWA (Resident Welfare Association), they shan't, even the employers shan’t get them in.
However, neither one can shun the domestic helpers completely nor can the maid survive without earning for a longer period. In rare cases, when the domestic helpers become too important for you to avoid, you can call them provided you take optimal precautions and care as COVID-19 can make its way even under 1% humanistic negligence. At the same time, there are precautions that the domestic helpers must take, considering them as responsibilities towards themselves or society.
Let us have a look at these precautions that a domestic helper must take:
1. Unavoidable use of masks, gloves, and footgear while cleaning the home
Before entering the home, the domestic helper must wear the mask, considering it as a must-have fabric to enter the home in the ongoing COVID-contaminated scenario. After entering the home, the domestic helpers must ask for a sanitizer or alcohol-based hand rub to clean the hands thoroughly before starting the work. The use of footgear and gloves must also be added as precautionary actions while serving the employer or cleaning the home.
2. Social distancing
Domestic helpers, as well as the employer, must maintain a safe social distance at least of five feet from as a safety action. In the present time of the COVID-19 crisis, one must note that ‘social distancing is the only vaccine’ in the pandemic. One must promise to oneself that the Coronavirus must not be transferred in any anticipated or unanticipated way.
3. Keep hygienic eating standards
If the domestic helper is also a cook, then he/she must keep hygienic eating standards by thoroughly washing & cleaning the vegetables & fruits before using them for preparing the dish or serving them to eat. Even the packets of the edibles must be sanitized before opening and consuming.
4. Take care of your employer as a family
Domestic helpers must actively follow all the safety precautions that they can, like covering with a tissue while coughing or sneezing, discarding the used tissues & masks safely, washing their hands with soap & water for a minimum of 20 seconds and sanitizing the things with an alcohol-based sanitizer.
Being a domestic helper, you can take care of good ventilation, serve the hot water to gargle, keep the soap dispensers filled, disinfect the floor & kitchen slab, etc
5. Take care of your own family
When the entire world is going through this globe-wide crisis, people residing in underprivileged areas or living a deprived life are highly vulnerable. So, while earning bread for the family, the domestic helpers must remember that the same precautions and safety, that they keep while doing their job, is a must-have while serving their own family also.
Employment agencies must educate the domestic helper about CoronaVirus and the precautionary measures. We at mud(MadeUrDay) connect the employer to such employment agencies that train their staff to follow the safety measures in the ongoing critical scenario.
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